A stunning Aluminium Windows installation in Reading, carried out by the expert Abbey Windows team!

Our Reading customers wanted to replace their old draughty wooden windows due to their lack of energy efficiency and their constant maintenance requirements. While wooden windows used to be popular due to their traditional aesthetics, they don’t offer sufficient thermal efficiency and can be a very high maintenance home improvement.

Our customer also wanted to maintain the slim profile that their wooden windows afforded, but with all of the benefits of modern energy saving double glazing. We recommended our exceptional aluminium windows for their Reading property, as they offer a beautiful aesthetic while keeping properties cosy and warm all year round.aluminium windows reading

Smooth Installation

The aluminium windows installation went very smoothly, and our expert fitters ensured that our customers’ home was left clean and tidy at all times.

We only use the most experienced fitters for our double glazing installations, which is why we can ensure that every installation goes without a hitch.

Aluminium windows in Reading

Origin Aluminium Windows

We source our aluminium windows from Origin, as they are one of the very best models on the market.

They give properties exceptional thermal insulation and are fitted with state-of-the-art locking systems from leading security providers.

We use only the very best for our customers, which is why we use Origin Aluminium Windows as a part of our extensive window range.

Aluminium Windows Reading

Beautiful Aesthetics

Our aluminium windows are available in a wide range of colours and styles, bespoke designed to suit all Reading properties.

For this installation, our customers decided to keep their home looking classic with white aluminium windows, and the finish suits their property perfectly.

Aluminium Casement Windows were the winner for these customers, but we also offer Aluminium Gable End Windows and Aluminium Bow Windows to give you the perfect choice for your Reading home improvements.

Aluminium Windows Reading

Thermally Efficient Aluminium Windows

Our aluminium windows are thermally broken and have been fitted with A Rated Argon Gas, Swiss spacer bars. These are not only energy efficient, but they offer a very slim profile which means more glass, increased light and less frame.

By choosing our aluminium windows, our customers now have many years worth of maintenance free benefits that come with this type of product compared to alternative wooden and some uPVC window profiles.

Our windows only require minimal cleaning and are an excellent, low maintenance option for all kinds of Reading home.

Aluminium Windows in reading

Aluminium Window Prices in Reading

If you’re looking for aluminium windows in Reading, you can get an instant online quote on our website today!

Our aluminium windows are very competitively priced, and we will never sacrifice high quality for a low cost.

For more information, call us on 0118 956 6866 or complete our online contact form. Our helpful team will be happy to help with your enquiry!