High Performance Replacement Windows in Wokingham

When your windows become old and tired, they no longer offer the performance and style that they once did. They may let in the weather, creating an inefficient home, or they could be weak, lessening the security they offer. You could even find, particularly with timber, that they are discoloured or damaged.
Our replacement windows in Wokingham resolve these issues. They are designed to provide years of outstanding performance, bringing your home up to the levels required in the 21st Century.
In addition to this, they are incredibly stylish, complementing the architecture of your property and enhancing its beauty.
Here at Abbey Windows, we offer a wide range of replacement windows to our customers in Wokingham, enabling you to benefit from the best that double glazing can offer.
Our handy guide to replacement windows provides insight into how Wokingham home improvements could benefit from this state of the art double glazing.
Replacement Windows Wokingham

Replacement Windows in Wokingham – The Liniar Collection

If you are looking for stylish and high performance replacement windows that also offer great value for money, then our Liniar collection of uPVC frames makes the ideal choice.
These stunning windows are renowned for their thermal performance, featuring a clever multi-chambered design which creates a barrier against the cold and traps heat within your home.
You will benefit from an unrivalled Windows Energy Rating of A+14, making sure that no matter how cold it is outside, you will be cosy and comfortable within your property.
Our Liniar uPVC profiles are fantastic for security too. They have hidden strengthening technology in the profile which makes these windows extra strong. This is supported by Sac locking systems, which benefit from a 10-year insurance backed guarantee.
Our replacement windows from Liniar will truly enhance your property’s efficiency and security.
When it comes to style, with Liniar windows, you get a variety of options to choose from. Our windows come in all sorts of styles, each of which can be tailored to complement your home and blend in with its architecture.

Replacement Windows in Wokingham – Residence 9 Luxury

Residence 9 are the ideal replacement windows range for period properties and homes in conservation areas.
These stunning windows are designed to provide the most authentic option for traditional replacement windows. They feature a seamless join at the corners, just like the traditional craftsmanship of timber designs, and they have a replica wood appearance that is so exact, it is difficult to tell the difference.
Residence 9 windows can be customised with a range of heritage features, such as monkey tail handles and Georgian bars, to create the perfect period aesthetic.
The nine-chambered profiles excel when it comes to thermal performance, insulating your home against even the most bitter winter days.
This amazing range of double glazing is the very best choice for premium replacement windows that appeal to councils and are the true modern alternative to timber designs.
Replacement Windows Wokingham

Replacement Windows in Wokingham – Our Aluminium Range

Of course, replacement windows are not only available in uPVC. We also offer a range of stunning aluminium windows from Origin.
These incredible windows have super slim profiles, which allow you to enjoy remarkable views and experience increased natural light coming into your home.
The frames can be ultra slim thanks to the natural strength of aluminium, which also makes these replacement windows excel when it comes to security performance too. Aluminium is almost indestructible, so is ideal for high performance double glazing.
Our aluminium windows come with high security locking systems, and they feature the very latest innovations in safety to protect your family, such as the finger safe hinges.
Aluminium windows are available in an extensive range of colour finishes, from bright shades, through to subtle colours and all that’s in between.
In fact, with these replacement windows, your Wokingham home will benefit from the most personalised appearance, enhancing its character and style.
These double glazed windows come with a 20-year manufacturer’s guarantee, making them a brilliant investment for your home improvements, as they really will last the test of time.

Replacement Windows Prices in Wokingham

Our replacement windows prices in Wokingham are exceptionally competitive. We work with a variety of manufacturers to ensure we offer our customers value for money combined with quality.
Find out the costs with our online quoting engine, or contact us for more information. We are happy to help you find your dream replacement windows in Wokingham.