Rightmove has found that over 90% of homebuyers consider buying fixer-uppers to get on the property ladder, but a lot of first-time buyers often skip out on home security measures. In December 2022, there were over 130 break-ins recorded in Reading alone. This is why, here at Abbey Windows, we offer affordable security solutions for first-time buyers in Reading and surrounding areas.

Affordable Double Glazing Approved by Official Police Security Initiatives

For absolute security, seasoned home renovators opt for triple-glazed windows. But if you want to skip the triple-glazed price point and get the same level of security and energy efficiency, our Homeguard double glazed windows are the perfect choice for first-time buyers.

All of our windows are approved by Secured by Design, an official police initiative that awards crime prevention methods. Our window technology incorporates a 4mm clear laminated glass inner panel and 6.4mm outer panel to trap heat and keep out cold, with the added benefit of being notoriously difficult to break through.

Click here to get a free quote to renovate your home with Homeguard today.

uPVC Windows and Door Frames: Skip the Wood and Aluminium!

Security also means longevity. Most people who buy wooden frames find themselves regretting their decision years down the line when that wood starts to rot and becomes more vulnerable to being pried open. However, aluminium and uPVC doors offer the same level of security, but the metal costs upwards of 30-40% more than plastic.

Which is why we recommend our first-time buyers skip straight to uPVC. A heavy-duty plastic that can’t rot and can’t be broken without using noisy power tools that no burglar would want to use.

For those who are design-conscious, plastic often sounds like it could be an aesthetic nightmare, but to most of our first-time buyers’ surprise, uPVC comes in a wide variety of colours and woodgrain foils that at a glance, wouldn’t even look like plastic!

upvc windows and door frame colours

Why not request a price for new uPVC windows right now? You can browse all of our window styles and choose the one that’s right for your home with our online quoting engine.

Lock Hardware Is One of The Most Vulnerable Points of Attack

There have been over 3200+ reported break-ins in Reading in August 2022- July 2023, which is a 25.7% increase from the year before, which is why it’s never been more important for first-time buyers to analyse each point of entry for burglars.

Often, you’ll find that the lock you use will be the deciding factor in whether or not your home is secure since they’re the most commonly attacked security measure. This in turn makes them one of the weakest points of a security system and they cannot be overlooked.

So, for peace of mind and comfort in your own home, we’ve stayed up to date with the latest in locksmith technology and implemented yet another Secured by Design certified product, our Secure Sac Window Locks.

With an 8-point locking mechanism, this shoot-bolt style lock not only prevents any would-be intruders from simply breaking in, but also takes pressure off hinges and frames, making them last even longer than before! As we said, security, is longevity. With a 10-year mechanical guarantee, in the unlikely event that your lock breaks, we’ve got you covered.

Find Out More:

If you’d like to learn more about how Abbey Windows can help protect your home, call us on 0118 956 6866 or email us at [email protected]. Alternatively, you can learn more about our products with the quick reference links below

uPVC Cladding

Whether it’s would-be thieves. high winds & heavy rain, or the dreaded hailstones, your Reading-based household is one step closer to being the safest location for you to live with our uPVC cladding.

Homeguard Double Glazing Security Systems

For the added comfort of living, security and energy efficiency, don’t forget to check out our Homeguard double glazed windows. Find out all more about how you can get triple glazed benefits without the triple glazed cost!

Free Online Quote

Get a free quote with us, on our entire range of products and put together a bespoke plan for your home.